Your fan engagement strategy is only as good as the data platform that fuels them

Our platform leverages cutting edge GPS technology to get a unique view of the physical behavior of a fan beyond the game. Where they are, where they’ve been, and predict where they are going next to maximize fan interaction.   

Here's how it works


It all starts with an accurate understanding of where a fan goes before and after the game.  When someone uses one app partners, our technology verifies the location signal for precision and accuracy. Each signal is run through a patented, location verification process, removing inaccuracies, and analyzing consumer patterns. This yields precise mobile location targeting data you can trust

We Reach 

120 Million 

Monthly Users 

100k + 

App Partners 



Next we match these signals to places. A proprietary mapping technology has mapped businesses and points of interest that mimics the real-world. Now we can tell precisely whether a person is buying a car, in a gym or at a sports bar.  With access to technology this powerful, you can take better action on your fan base’s offline behaviors.

We Mapped 

100 Million+

Places of Interest 




We Reach

2 out of 3

Mobile Phones 


Your corporate partners can now understand what types of people are visiting their brand and how that varies from their competitors. This can help you understand individual fan’s behavior and movements, by reaching key audiences based on recent in-home/out of home movement patterns. Our platform leverages  individual fans based on real world visitation behavior and much more.  





Visitation Data


1000+ Brands 



It all adds up to measurable performance your corporate partner are looking for, whether it’s to drive traffic to their site or foot traffic their locations. The individual fan data will help increases sales, creates awareness, add value to your corporate relationships allowing them to plan, predict and prepare for real consumer behavior. You don’t need guesses. You need the reality of whats happening on the ground. 

30 billion


visits annually 

